"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014."
Harrison: You loved our visit to the Powerhouse Museum in the city; you were especially fascinated by the science section.
Amelie: We've been keeping an eye on the neighbours passionfruit vine that dangles over our fence. It is slowly ripening giving us a passionfruit here and there. We shared this one and savoured every mouthful; having 'little bites' as you would say.
Finley: Oh the joy on your face when Daddy lifted you up onto the Penny Farthing! you didn't want to let go!
This week has been fun with a ferry ride into the city to the Powerhouse museum, exploring all the exhibits and watching the intriguing presentation on liquid nitrogen.
Some beach time making the most of these warm Autumn days and catching up with friends.
Harrison has got caught up in the 'trashie'/'trash pack' craze at school and is busy trading each day with his mates, he seems so grown up doing this! He's been lucky enough to be given a few from his mates and he used his pocket money to buy a pack last weekend. I'm a mean Mum as I said I wouldn't buy him any as I think they are a waste of money!
Poor Amelie had a nasty fall at preschool this week so is sporting an impressive graze on the side of her face. She's not too phased though and tells everyone how it happened.
Finley is 8 months old this week and two new teeth have shown up without any fuss. He's loving the song 'if you're happy and you know it clap your hands' so we've been singing it lots and loving how he instantly responds to the song, no clapping yet but slapping his legs!