Monday, May 26, 2014


 "A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014."
Harrison: You lost tooth number four this week!
Amelie: Who is in my bed?! Being a cheeky monkey and climbing into bed with Finley! (thankfully after he had woken up!)
Finley: 10 months old this week!

We seem to be gaining and losing teeth left right and centre at the moment with Finley getting two new teeth a couple of weeks ago and Harrison losing another this week.  He wiggled and wiggled this one until it was hanging on by one string!

The beautiful warm weather hung around this week and we've enjoyed our walks to and from school in the warm sunshine.  On the way to school there is a huge eucalyptus tree in someones front yard, it really is quite spectacular and always looks so great with the blue sky behind it when we look up.  I've never noticed flowers on the eucalyptus trees before but this tree is full of them at the moment and attracting so many parrots, the noise is incredible as we approach the tree and we stand and look to see how many parrots we can spot.  They must knock small branches off and we've been collecting them on the way home to put in vases as well as for Amelie to cook in her kitchen!

1 comment:

  1. I love the crib shot! This one will be so fun to look back on as they grow.
