Harrison: Waiting for those top three teeth to grow through, it's been months and still no sign of them!
Amelie: A swim on the last day of Winter!
Finley: Laughing at Daddy at the beach.The sun finally came out on the last two days of my sister's visit so we jumped on a ferry to Manly and did a coastal walk around to Shelly beach which was just beautiful. It was on our to do list of beaches so it was nice to check it out before the summer crowds. The kids even braved the water for a swim on the last day of winter! Finley and Georgia were content with eating the sand!
It was so lovely to see the sun shining on the first day of Spring, although the Sydney winter doesn't get too cold I just love Sydney in Spring which usually brings warm sunny day's without the burning heat of summer. We were excited to see the tree that we always admire through the seasons on the walk to school had blossoms which seemed to have magically appeared on the first day of Spring.
Sickness hasn't quite left the house with the start of Spring with all three kids knocked down at the end of the week. Both of the big kids with tonsilitus and Finley with an ear infection, fun and games! Sleep is a luxury at the moment for a very tired Mummy and Daddy!
Finley has really started to cruise around the furniture now and is pulling himself up on everything and getting very steady on his feet. He makes a bee line for the stairs every time the bean bag isn't in front of them, thinking he's very clever that he can climb them but with the tiled floors they're a bit dodgy and have already had a fall.
oh, how lucky you are!!! we can't take a swim even now in summer... and what a happy sweet face of finley!