"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014."
Harrison: All dressed up and ready for the school disco.
Amelie: Excited to be joining Harrison at the disco.
Finley: Always watching your big brother!
news, we've found a new house! Our application got approved so it's a
huge weight off our shoulders and means we can move in before we head
back to New Zealand for Christmas. We're getting in packers and
removalists for the actual move but in the meantime it's a great
opportunity for a Spring clean so that kept us busy over the weekend.
walking has taken off this week, on Tuesday it just seemed to click and
he's gone from walking up to five steps to wanting to walk everywhere.
He's picked up speed too, it's so lovely watching him walk around so
proud of himself and seeing the world in a different light. I see him
looking at things in the house and pointing them out with delight. He
is loving being able to carry things around as well while he walks, one
in each hand!
Finley has been saying 'Hara' for Harrison for a
couple of weeks now and this week has started calling Amelie 'Ama', co
cute! For the past few weeks he's also been saying 'nana' for banana and
pointing to the fruit bowl every morning after his weetbix. He
impressed both Nana and Grandma this week when we skyped by saying
'Nana' and 'Um ma' for Grandma. Poppa and Grandad might have to wait a
little longer for their names. He's also picked up 'bubba' this week so
keeps on calling Amelie's dolls bubba and picking up a couple of photo
frames that he can reach on the bookshelf and saying bubba to the photos
of Harrison and Amelie as babies.
Harrison is
still very passionate about anything to do with spies. His latest thing
this week is writing up series of spy books that he has given names and
illustrated the front cover. He's come up with 5 titles in the series
and all covers are ready to go and he's finished one book so far. He
has been doing them when they get free play at school and bring them
home to continue working on them.
The school disco was
on Friday night which is a family event so we all went along and the
kids had a bit of a dance and mucked around with their friends. It was
38 degrees that day so was super hot for all the parent spectators and
even more so for the kids running around!