Thursday, November 13, 2014


"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014."

Harrison: All dressed up for 'yellow' day at school!
Amelie: A beautiful drawing of our family.
Finley: You are happy to sit quietly and read your books.

Harrison's school had a 'yellow' fundraising day for kids with anaphylaxis.  He loved the idea of getting dressed up and heading to school as a crazy yellow policeman.  He ended up being voted the most 'yellow' costume in his class!

We all ended up sick this week with colds, thankfully we didn't get hit too hard and all managed to get over them quite quickly.

This week we found out that our landlords want to move back in and to make matters worse, by the end of the year!  This was not news we were expecting and is certainly not the time of year we want to be moving, especially as we are heading back to New Zealand over Christmas so this has added extra pressure! It's been a crazy week of searching the internet for rentals, drive bys and numerous house inspections.  This is very time consuming and has pretty much summed up my week!  Seeing what is out there on the rental market at the moment makes me appreciate what we have here and really makes me want to stay here! Stay tuned...

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