Monday, May 11, 2015


"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015."

Harrison & Amelie: Collecting leaves after school at the park down the road.
Finley: I love our sleepy cuddles on my bed when you wake from your afternoon sleep.

We started the week off with a yummy dinner at friends of ours who live around the corner, so nice to be able to walk there and back.  With the weather cooling down I tried a new recipe of sticky date puddings with caramel sauce and they were delicious!

After all the rain we've had over the last couple of weeks we had a week full of sunshine and blue skies. 
We made the most of it by getting out and about at the park, walks by the river and collecting Autumn leaves after school.  It's been really noticeable over the last week how the leaves have changed and the trees in our suburb are looking so beautiful. 

I escaped on Saturday after soccer to the Finders Keepers design and art markets with a girlfriend.  We found goodies for ourselves as well as gifts from all the talented people from around Australia that sell their creations there.


  1. AnonymousMay 14, 2015

    Such cute kids!
    Doesn't autumn in this part of the world make for the best photo backdrop?

    1. Thank you :) I love this time of year! Amazing how the colours have changed in the last few weeks, I love to get photos of the kids each Autumn.
