Sunday, February 23, 2014


"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014."

Harrison: Exploring on our bush walk, you were intrigued by this leaf.  You look so grown up in this photo!
Amelie: Frangipani trees are in bloom everywhere, we've been admiring them everyday on the walk to and from school. On Tuesday we stopped and collected handfuls of flowers that had dropped on the ground to make a frangipani crown.  My frangipani princess.
Finley: This sitting up business is getting much easier and he's way more stable now! So much fun getting to see the world from this viewpoint!

A bit of an unsettled week with Master F, a new tooth coming through causing him grief and his first week in the big boys cot this week; perhaps this has something to do with it too. 
This week has felt like it has flown by but I still welcomed the weekend.  Fun was had on our day trip to meet our good friends from Canberra.  The kids loved a run through the bush spotting the big termite hill and admiring the huge drop of Fitzroy Falls.  We saw the biggest Huntsman spider we've seen since moving to Australia; thankfully high up in the toilet block and not in our house!

Sunday, February 16, 2014


"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014."

Harrison: One of the many dress ups this week
Amelie: Practicing some moves before ballet
Finley: Holding onto his toes is a favourite pastime!

A week full of dress ups & dancing!  The face paints have been out again and enjoyed by all, Harrison & Amelie have been utilising the dress ups a lot more this week and I've been loving the time spent with Amelie playing DJ on the ipad while we dance! She sure can move and there is some emerging talent there! I've obviously been getting into it and singing along, Amelie pipes up 'Don't sing Mummy, just dance!'.
Finley has been enjoying more new tastes this week & loved his first rusk, I'd forgotten how much of a mess they make!
With the rainy weekend & in between the many birthday parties we've watched two classic dvds with the kids, Home Alone & ET, they both loved them.  Nothing beats hearing the kids hearty laugh when they find something really funny.

Monday, February 10, 2014


"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014."

Harrison: Enjoying after school play time in the sun with some of your birthday Lego
Amelie: We had so much fun this afternoon with silly play & watching funny animal videos on YouTube!
Finley: I could seriously eat you all up, you are so delicious!  Look at those lashes & super soft skin!

Another busy week with the school & preschool routine back in full swing.  Harrison is settling in well with his new class, I must admit I was a bit worried with his kindy class being split up this year but thankfully there are some friends in his class and his new teacher seems great!

Amelie & I had a fun start to our Saturday with an early morning cupcake baking session ready for school lunches & for over the weekend, even the neighbours benefited!

Finley has got the hang of his sipper cup and gets very excited to hold it and seems to have mastered the spout.  We have been experimenting with some new tastes this week which had us in fits of laughter with the reaction we got with pear! I have to share a few of the facials in the photos below!

But even after the torturous first tastes of pear he couldn't hold back his excitement when Daddy got home from work! I love it!

Have a great week x

Monday, February 03, 2014


"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014."

Harrison: School started back this week, year one!
Amelie: Excited to be putting her ballet shoes on again for a new term
Finley: First swing!

A busy week with school holidays over, back to the school routine and extra curricular activities up and running again for the year.
Started Finley on solids this week with great success,  he is loving it!