Tuesday, June 24, 2014


 "A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014."
Harrison: All rugged up on the coldest day so far this year, it was bitterly cold as we explored Cockatoo Island, a hot chocolate helped to warm you up.
Amelie: Happy Birthday to you! Our big 4 year old!
Finley: Smiles for Nana as she pushes you on the swing.

A very busy week here for us with Nana & Poppa visiting from New Zealand and the birthday party prep ramped up. 

We caught the ferry to Cockatoo Island and explored the island with it's interesting buildings and learnt about the convict history.
Nana and Poppa were a huge helping hand during the week as well as getting to spent some quality time with all of the grandkids making time to do special outings with them which they really appreciated.
Amelie took Poppa to preschool for the reptile visit where she helped hold a giant snake!

Amelie loved having a week of birthday celebrations.  She was very spoilt with wonderful presents, a yummy breakfast of pancakes to start the day, a visit to one of her favourite parks, getting her fingernails painted with Mummy and Nana for the first time at the local nail shop!  Gelato for afternoon tea once Harrison was home from school and then her dinner of choice - chicken and noodles!
Amelie then celebrated on Saturday with her friends at her Enchanted Wood Party.  She had a ball eating lots of yummy food, playing games and doing fairy craft! photos to follow!

1 comment:

  1. mm pancakes for her birthday! how happy she looks...
