Thursday, November 27, 2014


"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014."

Harrison: Busy writing his spy books after school.
Amelie: Cooling off after ballet on a very hot Spring day!
Finley: Always watching what your older brother and sister are doing.

I've managed to get some more sorting done of the cupboards ready for the move which feels really good.  I've also managed to get onto my Christmas shopping as the plan is to have all done before we move, only three to go so I'm pretty happy with that!

We're still getting some really hot Spring days so lots of iceblocks are being consumed at the moment.  Amelie and I had great fun juicing a whole bag of oranges in the juicer on Friday and making our own iceblocks. 
We went to one of our favourite parks on the weekend which has a water park so the kids had a great time cooling down in the water.

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