Monday, May 11, 2015


"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015."

Harrison: Not a care in the world.
Amelie: Always drawing.
Finley: You have discovered 'sticks'!

A relaxing last morning at the beach fishing, sandcastle building and a walk on the rocksWe packed up and left in good time and didn't get stuck in any bad traffic which we were sure we would come across being the last day of the holidays.

I started the week by getting sick, obviously catching it from everyone who had been sick in the holidays. It really knocked me so just we had a quiet week getting the kids back into the school routine.  This term the kids are only doing one activity out of school which will make for a more relaxing time after school, last term was too crazy!

We had wild weather in Sydney and NSW with big storms and lots of rain, a good week to be sick and lay low. 

Harrison was learning about Anzac Day at school and was really interested in it.   He drew lots of posters that he displayed around the house.  My Great Grandfather served in WW1 so we found out a lot of information from my Mum and she sent over photos of his medals and other memorabilia.  Harrison has to do a presentation to his class in a couple of weeks at school so is looking forward to having these to talk about.
We all went to a dawn service and it was extra special marking the 100 year anniversary of Gallipoli.
The kids and I made ANZAC biscuits later that morning which we all enjoyed making and eating!

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